Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Truth Will Set You Husband-Free

Two years ago, I started writing a book about being Husband-Free. It was an exciting, even heady time -- I wrote a book proposal and even landed a contract with a (seriously) big-time literary agent.

I loved saying "I have an agent" only slightly more than I loved the possibility of moving beyond the single stigma. Everyone I talked to about it was interested and enthusiastic about Husband-Freedom, particularly other single women, and I could hardly wait to get the word out about being Husband-Free.

To make a short story even shorter, my agent was unsuccessful in getting a deal and I lost momentum. But people kept asking me about Husband-Free -- both the book and the lifestyle-- and I knew I couldn't give up. So, here I am -- let's get started!

It's a simple idea. Unmarried adults are the fastest-growing group in America today, with numbers approaching ninety million. However, many singles feel more alone than ever. Fifty-three percent of singles are women, most of whom lament and resent their situation, primarily because being an unmarried woman is still regarded as a major social and personal failure. Single women are often blamed, and even blame themselves, for circumstances over which they have little control. It’s time for something better.

By changing the way you think about it, you can re-claim your dignity, your value -- and your sense of humor!!!

You are not single. You are Husband-Free! Say it loud, say it proud, live it, love it, be it -- no more pity, no more whining, no more tolerating nosy questions and unearned criticism. This blog is my gift to wonderful, worthwhile unwed women everywhere.

FACT: Many women want to wed but can't find a willing accomplice, and very often feel distressed or even depressed about their "predicament."

TRUTH: This madness must stop!!!!

TRUTH: Being married is not better than being single, it is only different. Being unwed is not a predicament.

TRUTH: Your life as a woman has meaning, purpose and value, whether or not you have a husband.

TRUTH: Feeling sad and sorry about being single is wasting the time you could spend having fun.

TRUTH: You are more than your marital status -- so much more!

TRUTH: You may be single by chance, but you can be -- and should be -- happy by choice!

Look, I know it's not always easy, but it gets easier if being single is not the problem, and getting married is not the solution. You have to try it out for yourself -- the next time someone asks if you're "still single," I want you to bust it out and burn it up, with a big smile -- "No, I'm not married, I'm Husband-Free!" Let me know how it works and what happens. Stay posted! There's so much to talk about!

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